Friday, 13 November 2015

heart health information

Maintain a healthy body is the most important thing we have to do that all the daily activities they can do with optimal anyway. Our body is composed of several bodies, one heart. The liver is the organ that we have to have a lot of functions that can not be replaced by other bodies. So how easy tips to maintain a healthy heart is ..... ???

       Friends, health tips. The liver has several important functions as melwan infection that strikes you food body processes that have been absorbed from our gut, producing bile which works in the digestive system, such as deposits of iron, vitamins and other chemicals, to control significant levels of fatty acids, glucose and amino acids in the blood, removing toxic substances in your body. Friends, health tips. Various liver functions mentioned above, finally know the importance of the role of the liver in your body. Therefore, health tips in these trying times easy tips to keep your heart health. Here are 5 tips to keep your heart health: 

  • Maintaining the health of the liver begins from the food we eat. The food is good for your heart is red onion, garlic, vegetables (cauliflower, cabbage, selanda water, mustard greens), grains (wheat and brown rice), turmeric, green tea, soy and red wine.
  • Tips to maintain a healthy heart both by limiting the intake of calories into your body. in this case limit the variety of foods that contain lots of carbohydrates that we consume every day the amount is not excessive.
  • You should be avoiding various types of beverages containing alcohol. Beverages containing alcohol can be a very bad effect on the metabolism of the liver that you have.
  • You should stop smoking, avoid smoke and other toxic fluids. Because the fumes containing the poison will be entered into the small blood vessels in the lung and will be brought to the liver. Then undergoing detoxification and removed in empedu.Oleh Hence, the amount and concentration of these chemicals should be controlled to prevent damage to your liver.
  • Tips fifth is to wash hands thoroughly with soap and water is clean after defecating and before preparing a variety of foods that you will consume. In order for your heart health is maintained.

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